Not all of us are privilege to go straight to college after high school graduation. Economic conditions may have given us no choice but to find suitable work right away. Though some of us who have followed this path have no regrets about tasting that college life experience, these days for those who are keenly interested in getting a college degree, distance learning is now available and much more affordable. This is because the Internet has enabled distance learning to be a better program than what it was before: mail order degrees which tended to be impersonal and dull as correspondences were often times disconnected.
The nature of the Internet had always been appealing to the academe. In fact they were one of the first communities to see each potential and in sharing information with colleges at a moment's notice, academicians were able to refine their ideas and theories before making formal presentations at conferences and lectures. These days, distance learning colleges can offer online exams, streaming videos of lectures or even live video online conferences to their students. The variety of degrees and programs has also increased since distance learning colleges and universities embraced the internet and began using it for their benefit in promoting distance learning. You already have the major universities of most states offering distance learning degree programs catered to mostly those within the state or nearby as they do have certain times when the online students do get to meet. This is so to establish rapport and interpersonal communication between the students and teachers. It has a good effect on both parties as their manner of communication through emails start to change after meeting them for the first time. It becomes more personal and the tone of conversational actually becomes deeper. I have heard professors say that their online students are at times better than the regular enrollees because these online students see the value of the subject and are perhaps more serious and even more inquisitive than the regular ones. These people who do not have the time to go to school full time actually are more studious about the subject matter and the points they make about certain issues are often times based on the real life situations these students do face. Often times, their experiences are mentioned by the professors during their regular school sessions with the campus students.
This anecdotal reference just goes to show you that even distant learning can affect the college for the better. Distance learning is here to stay and the evidence is shown by the number of well known colleges offering it and more importantly by the acceptance of professors and lecturers who seem to enjoy their email conversations with their online students.
For more information visit Best Distance Learning site,
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